Joyful work, delicious food, and strong community
We create memorable seasonal foods from fresh local ingredients. We seek out small producers and bring you their heirloom varieties of everything from apples to beans to tomatoes. If we can get it from within a hundred mile radius we do. We believe in the power of love to affect our food. Everything we sell we make from scratch, using organic ingredients whenever possible. Sustainability tastes fantastic!
Being a cooperative means that stewardship of the business is spread out among the workers. Everyone who works at the bakery participates in decision-making and has the opportunity to become an owner of the business. We strive to enjoy our work and to attain a livable wage for all. Collectivism is an ancient way of working together, seen in such places as agrarian communities pooling resources at harvest time, fisherman-owned canneries, worker-owned plywood mills, and even on pirate ships. ONE for ALL and ALL for ONE!
To us, strong community means creating a kinship among ourselves, as workers, and with the community we serve with our labor. We provide a meeting place for people to get healthy food, or just chat over a hot cup of chai, and we create events throughout the year to bring people together. We see the success of our goals when we see a variety of people of all ages from babies to our elders enjoying each other’s company at the Blue Scorcher.